Effects of Different Chemical Preservatives and Antioxidants on Storage Stability of Pomegranate Juice
The aim of current study was to investigate the effects of different chemical preservatives (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate) and antioxidants (citric acid, ascorbic acid) on storage stability of pomegranate juice. pH and TSS values indicate, that there was no influence of chemical preservatives and antioxidants on pH of pomegranate juice. Furthermore, sensory evaluation concluded that maximum score of color, flavor, taste and overall acceptability was recorded under T3 and minimum values were noted in T6. On the basis of present investigation, it was recommended that pomegranate juice should be preserved in 0.05% sodium benzoate + 0.05 potassium sorbate + 0.1% Citric acid+ 0.05% ascorbic acid to improves the sensorial properties of juice.
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